Global Leaders in Marine Mammal Research
SMRU Consulting is a world leading marine mammal consultancy with an unrivaled reputation for providing innovative, robust, and environmentally sound solutions for clients active in the marine environment.
A Global Leader in Marine Mammal Consulting
SMRU Consulting is the world’s leading marine mammal consultancy with an unrivalled reputation for providing innovative, robust, and environmentally sound solutions in the marine environment. Our team is trained in this highly specialized field to help our clients understand, assess, and mitigate the marine mammal challenge of their projects. SMRU Consulting have developed a real-time passive acoustic buoy to provide real-time detection, classification, location and tracking of marine mammals.
State-of-the-art marine mammal science encompassing all marine sectors
We specialize in the commercial delivery of cutting-edge marine mammal science including survey design and implementation, population assessments, and risk frameworks. We work in a diverse range of marine sectors including renewables, research and development, decommissioning, government, infrastructure, and oil and gas. Our team is committed to providing practical, consistent, and timely results with a high level of attention to detail.
Understand | Assess | Mitigate
Our team provides expert reviews of developer Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIAs) and Appropriate Assessments (AAs), and advice
to non-commercial organizations in relation to Strategic Environmental
Assessments in the marine environment.We provide specialist input to all stages of the EIA process, from screening through to post-construction monitoring on marine mammals, and bespoke research into marine mammal interactions with developments and human activities.